& Sleep
Invisible & Comfortable
Sleep, one of the four (4) pillars of a healthy lifestyle. In our busy, noisy and light strewn modern world, sleep is both required and compromised. How can we help ourselves get more “forty winks” when everything impinges upon our ability to produce the correct environment for those extra precious minutes or even hours.
At Footfalls the team has produced a smart textile that produces a continuous, invisible, comfortable sensor array to measure movement and other metrics during your sleep. The product is unique due to a lack of embedded electronics, and it will be indistinguishable from your current sleep set up.
Why movement analysis? There is a significant body of research that provides evidence for the use of movement analysis in determining sleep quantity and quality:
Identifying Sleep Stages: The research consistently emphasises the relationship between movement and sleep stages. As sleep deepens, body movements generally decrease. [1] This means that analysing the frequency and intensity of movements can help differentiate between lighter sleep stages (Stage 1 and 2) and deeper sleep stages (Stage 3). [1] For example, someone in deep sleep will exhibit significantly less movement compared to someone transitioning between Stage 1 and 2.
Estimating Sleep Onset and Waking: Movement data can help pinpoint when someone falls asleep and wakes up. Increased movement often signifies wakefulness, while prolonged periods of minimal movement suggest sleep. [1] By analysing movement patterns over the night, researchers and clinicians can estimate sleep duration and wakefulness periods.
A new technology, academic evidence and a product that will aid everyone in obtaining a “good” night’s sleep. Smart textiles, the only true wearables are here now. The future of health and wellbeing is here and it is proactive, private, personal and coming soon!
#Sleep #MovementAnalysis #FootfallsandHeartbeats
[1] Wilde-Frenz, J., & Schulz, H. (1983). Rate and Distribution of Body Movements during Sleep in Humans. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 56(1), 275-283. https://doi.org/10.2466/pms.1983.56.1.275