Make any mattress ‘smart’ with only a single piece of fabric

No wearables. No charging. No hassle.


Sleep tracking is a booming market, but still requires wearing devices to bed, alongside daily setup and charging. No more!

Our fabric is the sensor - seamlessly integrating in to any mattress, topper, or protector

  • Completely invisible to the the user

  • No need for daily setup or charging

  • Plug it in once and enjoy years of effortless tracking


If a topper or a protector, put it on top of the mattress. Otherwise just plug it in and switch it on!


It will last the lifetime of the mattress, so once plugged in never worry about it again!

Check Up

Go months without checking your sleep data, or check in every day. Sleep tracking for any preference

How we understand sleep

  • Our bread and butter. Our incredibly low sensor cost means we can completely cover the mattress, gaining access to the entire body throughout the night!

  • Our newest feature is the ability to detect respiration rate from our sensors. This alongside our movement can give incredible access to how someone is sleeping!

  • In development is our ability to get heart rate from our sensors! Rounding off our analysis chain, this gives us full access to understanding a persons sleep!

Get in touch!

Want to be at the forefront of sleep technology? Partner with us!