Newsletter #1


Welcome to the first Footfalls newsletter

Today we want to introduce you to the team that researches, develops, tests, markets, manufactures and sells our world-leading technology. Without this group of talented, focussed and charming (extremely important) individuals nothing would happen. People are at the core of what we do and the products we make are fundamentally produced to make the world a healthier and happier place.


The knitters. Ok, so as all our products are knitted these two fabulous humans are at the centre of what we do. Without these two, Footfalls would just be an idea.

Andrew Thompson has more hosiery knowledge in his head than almost anyone else on earth. If you need a sock or a knitted shoe upper this is your man. Passionate Leicester city supporter and brilliant all round human with almost 40 years knitting experience. Andrew’s tool of choice is the BEAST, a Santoni X machine, 144 needle, circular 4” diameter machine.

Maddy Oakley is a product of the textile program at the University of Derby. Smart, and incredibly creative, this woman has the talent to revolutionise what we do over the next few years. Maddy’s weapon of interest for the revolutionising of healthcare is the B**** (Maddy and her machine have issues), a Stoll ADF, 32 feed, 7.2 gauge flatbed machine.



Two guys who started as interns and another great human who liked the technology so joined the company.

Tom Payne, our Head of Technology started life at Footfalls doing an internship. An electrical/electronics engineer with a love of all things Cheltenham Town, Tom has been critical in getting our two products market ready in the last six months. His breadth of knowledge both technical and financial has been invaluable.

Paul Gough, software analytics guru and a truly unbelievable table tennis player. This man brings an awesome world view to Footfalls and delicious pineapple cakes from Taiwan where he lectures (Visiting Professor) twice a year in Electronic Garments. Paul has been at the forefront of smart textiles since 2000 when he worked on some of the earliest examples of our field at the multinational giant Philips.

Nathan Owen-Toon, a product of the University of Derby and a biomechanical engineer. Nathan has diversified his considerable brainpower into testing and refining algorithms, creating test protocols and providing entertainment to the team by bringing in Mylo, our 4 legged intern. A huge F1 fan, we are kept up to date with all the comings and goings from the “paddock” on race weekend.



The Admin and Happiness coordinator.

Mick Stafford joined the team last November. He has bought style, dress sense and amazing ballroom dancing ability to the group. In addition, he runs a mean administration at Footfalls and makes sure we all feel part of the Footfalls family.



Finally some old bearded guy (Simon McMaster) who had the idea for this 22 years ago at the Open University. He sits in a corner, causes chaos and thinks up the occasional idea. His one and only skill is joining disparate ideas together very quickly whilst wittering on about the All Blacks (awesome team) and making the place stylish by wearing Hawaiian shirts, shorts and jandals in the summer. For those of you heathens who do not understand jandals, this is the correct (KIWI) term for flip flops.

I am incredibly proud and unbelievably honoured to be part of this team. Without them Footfalls would not exist, nor would it create technology that will completely revolutionise the 21st Century. If you want to get a version of this newsletter biweekly sign up and hopefully we will entertain, educate and together maybe change the fabric of society.




If you want to learn more about our technology, work with this very talented team or suggest a collaboration click below!


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