Newsletter #2

So here goes nothing. Newsletter #2 on the weighty topic of vision and values.


Use technology to help everyone. Our technology has the potential to make society healthier and therefore in our view happier. Health is something everyone talks about but it is often, for very good reason on a personal level.

If we can think a little bigger here, what about on a community level, a town level, a city level or a national level. Let’s take that to a logical conclusion and we get a humanity level. Bit big and a touch grand and very arrogant. So step back and think about a societal level. A healthier society is good for everyone. It promotes health above all else and means that all people need to be treated the same. If society is healthier, it works better (maybe a tad more productive), it is more cohesive and caring (great for all communities) and it is able to work together to solve issues that affect everyone.


We as a team of dedicated humans, want everyone to be a better version of themselves. That does not mean everyone becomes an Olympic athlete. It means the local plumber is better at their job because they have manged to fix their sleep issues, proactively before it becomes a medical issue. It means Jane’s grandma can walk to the shops and meet her friends because the stroke rehabilitation has been done in her community and her friends have all assisted with her 2 miles of walking a day. In fact they are so good at helping her she is now planning a charity walk for a stroke charity. Jim’s business and workers are thriving because his anxiety has been calmed by a simple intervention with coherent breathing and relaxation. He is enjoying life again and his team is producing more product than ever. They are better because he is better.

Utopia, no. Possible, yes. As a society we have the power to change almost anything. We don’t need more apps, we need more activity. We don’t need another expensive medical intervention we need to empower society to be proactive, not reactive. It almost all cases reactive never works.


Well this is where values assist. The values of Footfalls come from growing up in New Zealand. It was a country where everyone was treated the same. Was it perfect, no. Was my upbringing amazing. It sure as hell was not. It did teach me a couple of important values though.

If you want to change stuff, break the cycle of normality. I broke a cycle where I was not wanted or needed to one where everyone is wanted and needed. That is lesson one. Change is hard and I can assure you, very hard in some cases. It does however, always make a difference. I changed, I broke a cycle and since then I will make sure that I care. Does that make me a good leader, maybe or maybe not. I can never be the judge of that. What it does do is make me a good human. I will take that every day.

Treat everyone the same. We are all members of the human race or humanity as an easier view. If you want to do good, do it for everyone. Don’t just do it for your shareholders, or your mates or the friends you love and care for. Make it simple for humanity. Technology is not about wealth, power or legacy. Technology needs to make the human condition better not worse.

These are the two main values that drive Footfalls. Will it make us rich, powerful or remembered. I bloody hope not. Yes, we all need to be paid for our work and our achievements, but we don’t need so much that we might be able to pay off the national debt of my home. We like acknowledgement but we prefer results.

Vision is what we want to do, values are how we want to do it. A simple way to live. A good way to live. A powerful way to live. Always remember:


Hopefully this resonates. Please leave comments and if you want to hear more about Footfalls, sign up to the newsletter. 


A good human




Improve and Measure